+27 (0) 76 664 1413 [email protected]

Connecting Surgeons with Doctors to assist in Theatre

more than 1500 registered assistants and counting.

Established By Doctors, For Doctors

I have been working with The Surgical Assistant since September 2023. Through TSA I have had the privilege of assisting in a wide range of orthopaedic surgeries across Cape Town. I have gained valuable experience and have also met some really great people along the way. TSA has, overall, been a great partner on my orthopaedic journey

Dr Carolien Kruger
Orthopedic Assistant

Due to budget cuts my Orthopedic MO Post was not renewed. I joined the Surgical Assistant where I was able to apply my skills and experience on regular orthopedic slates

Dr Matthew Markram
Orthopedic MO

Orthopedics is a competitive discipline to get into, and I was forced to do some supernumerary time initially. Working with The Surgical Assistant meant I could earn on the side while also gaining even more experience in the surgical field of my choice. After a few months with them, I am now a medical officer in Orthopedic Surgery at Frere Hospital in East London.

Dr Thaabit Davids
Orthopedic MO

The Surgical Assistant is an excellent and essential tool for any surgeon. They take the stress out of needing an assistant in the middle of the night. Whether in open or laparoscopic cases, I won't hesitate to recommend them

Dr Stefan Botes | www.drsnbotes.co.za

General Surgeon,
Mediclinic Milnerton

Having a surgical assistant trained in robotic-assisted arthroplasty has been a game-changer for me. Their expertise has truly simplified my cases.

Dr Neill van der Walt | www.drneillvdwalt.co.za

Orthopedic Surgeon,
Mediclinic Winelands Orthopedic Hospital

Due to an accident, my usual assistant was injured and required crutches for a period of 6 weeks. A single phone call to the Surgical Assistant provided me with a capable replacement for the entire duration of those 6 weeks.

Dr Christo Steyn | www.shoulderdoc.co.za

Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Netcare N1 City Hospital

A simple, unique process

How It Works

Are you a specialist surgeon who occasionally finds yourself in need of a GP or MO to assist you in the operating theater when your regular assistant is unavailable? Perhaps you require an assistant but hesitate to approach someone new due to uncertainty about their surgical capabilities.

As a GP or MO, you may have a keen interest in participating in surgical procedures, but the challenge lies in being asked to assist on a theater schedule.

That’s where Surgical Assistant comes in. We offer a comprehensive platform where GPs/MOs can register their availability to provide assistance in the theater. Surgeons can then utilise our services to connect with vetted GPs/MOs who are ready to lend their support in the operating theater.

Surgical Assistant acts as a convenient one-stop solution for surgeons, ensuring they can find qualified theater assistants within a reasonable timeframe, regardless of the time of day.

We understand the importance of timely and reliable assistance in the surgical setting, and our platform is designed to meet those needs effectively.

The Surgical Assistant Offering


Top-notch Medical Officers (MOs), General Practitioners (GPs), and Specialists ready to provide theatre assistance for your 0009 and 0008 needs.

Prompt availability of assistants for Elective Slates, Trauma Slates, On-Call Slates.

Streamlined payment process to The Surgical Assistant Pty (LTD) for all registered assistants on our platform.

Efficient tracking and follow-up on invoices and payments.

Medical Officers / General Practitioners

Offering a network of actively engaged Surgeons in search of assistants.

Tailored Payroll Solutions.

Effortlessly manage all invoices, alleviating the need for personal follow-ups with individual surgeons regarding pending payments.

A 15% Finder’s Commission is applied per case, contingent upon the billed procedure codes.

Indemnity insurance is covered by The Surgical Assistant for all bookings via TSA.

What Sets Us Apart And

Why Register With Us?

There are only benefits:

24/7 On Call Availability

Get access to an assistant when you need it.

Regular Assistance Opportunities

In your field of interest.

Less Paperwork

Single payment solution to The Surgical Assistant PTY (LTD) rather than individual payments to each assistant.

Payroll Customisation

Payroll with no PAYE bracket for Assistants to do their own Tax Planning and deductions.

POPIA Compliant

Your information is compliant, safe and will not be sold.

Our Team & Mission


Making life easier for Assistants and Surgeons.


Surgeons are now connected to Assistants through our platform.


Assistants are getting opportunities they previously would not have had.


Simple and admin free for every party.

Le Roux

Orthopedic MO


Co-Founder & Marketing


Business Development Executive


Sales Manager

Our Partners

a network of highly skilled professionals and healthcare organisations dedicated to excellence in surgical care. Together, we ensure seamless collaboration, innovative solutions, and the highest standards of patient safety and outcomes.

Contact Us


Years of collective expertise

in The Surgical Assistants’s team.



with an assistance need


qualified assistants

ready to assist

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